Voorzitter Europese Groenen vraagt sterk anti-oorlogssignaal van Europees Parlement

(26/03/03) Tijdens het debat over Irak dat de plenaire vergadering van het Europees Parlement deze namiddag hield pleitte Dany Cohn-Bendit, co-voorzitter van de Europese Groenen, ervoor dat het EP de stem van de Europese bevolking zou vertegenwoordigen. Het EP moet ook een stem geven aan de burgers van regeringen die de oorlog steunen. Morgen stemt het EP een nieuwe resolutie over het conflict.

EP to vote on new Iraq Resolution:
Cohn-Bendit: "Citizens expect European Parliament to give a clear message on Iraq war"

Speaking ahead of tomorrow's vote on a new Iraq resolution in the European Parliament, Dany Cohn-Bendit, Co-President of the Green/EFA Group said today:

"European citizens expect the European Parliament to deliver a clear message on the Iraq war when it votes tomorrow on a new Iraq Resolution. We have to reaffirm that the majority of opinion in this House is against the logic of war and supports the logic of a peaceful resolution to this conflict - which was the strategy behind weapons inspections. Parliament must reflect the opinion of the overwhelming majority of European citizens, who are against this war , even when some of their governments support it.

"This war has not been approved by the UN Security Council and therefore lacks legitimacy. It wasn't a Russian or French veto that blocked this approval but the failure of the USA, UK and Spain to establish a moral majority in at the UN security council because such a majority doesn't exist.

We have to thank countries like Chile and Mexico, who are heavily economically dependent on the USA, but who showed the courage to resist US blackmail and to advocate the continuation of weapons inspections in the UN Security Council."

GroenDe enige partij die sociaal én milieuvriendelijk is.


De Groenen/EVAGroenen en Europese Vrije Alliantie in het Europees Parlement.


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