Today, the European Parliament has just voted to block spending from the European Regional Development Fund (EDRF) and the Cohesion Fund to be spent on fossil fuels. These funds have a direct influence on the lives of citizens, especially those living in less developed regions: stabile quality employment, new infrastructure, and improved quality of life. The ERDF and Cohesion Fund should be the green face of Europe, delivering a better quality of life to citizens and ensuring a suitable and environmentally friendly future.
Davor Škrlec, Greens/EFA spokesperson on regional development, comments:
"It's very welcome that the rest of the Parliament has heard our call to stop EU regional development funding from being spent on fossil fuels. EU money that is designed to improve the lives of citizens, particularly in Europe's poorer areas must not be spent on fossil fuels that harm human health and the environment. Regional funds will play a clear role in the EU's obligations to meet the Paris Climate targets.
"EU funds should be used as the backbone of our transition to a circular economy and clean, zero-carbon, affordable energy for all citizens, while safeguarding our environment and improving biodiversity. Today, the European Parliament has followed the lead of the Greens/EFA group and sent a clear message that there should be no space for fossil fuels in EU funds and that we must move to sustainable investment."