(21/05/08) Commissie houdt belofte niet over antidiscriminatie

Het Europese Parlement herinnerde Commissaris José Manuel Barroso aan zijn belofte om een horizontale antidiscriminatierichtlijn uit te vaardigen. Deze zou discriminatie op basis van leeftijd, religie, handicap of seksuele geaardheid onmogelijk maken.

De Commissie beloofde van antidiscriminatie haar prioriteit voor 2008 te maken, maar een maand geleden maakte ze bekend om terug te keren op de eerdere intentie en voorlopig enkel wetgeving voor te stellen rond discriminatie van personen met een handicap.

Vandaag bestaan nog steeds ernstige tekortkomingen in de antidiscriminatiewetgeving. Op dit ogenblik zijn enkel gelijke behandeling van gender en gelijke behandeling in werksituaties geregeld. Alle andere discriminaties blijven mogelijk. Barroso kondigde bij zijn aantreden in 2004 al aan deze misstand recht te zetten.

European Parliament demands comprehensive directive

Today the European Parliament comprehensively rejected moves to stall or limit extending European legal protection against discrimination on grounds of age, disability, religion/belief and sexual orientation. Reacting to the debate on the Lynne report (1), which was adopted with 362 votes in favour and 262 against, Latvian MEP Tatjana Zdanoka, shadow draftswoman, said:

"Existing anti-discrimination directives provide only for minimum standards. It is a shameful situation that a number of Member States have not transposed and implemented even those minimum standards. The European Commission should actively use the infringement procedure against such Member States. Everyone in the EU must be sure that he or she cannot be discriminated against and he or she has effective legal tools in order to fight against discrimination.

Another serious problem is that current EU legislation is clearly inadequate. We need a comprehensive legal framework. The Commission declared that it would bring forward a proposal for a directive implementing the principle of equal treatment outside employment. We welcomed it as such a step would close existing gaps and put an end to the hierarchy of protection. Nevertheless the Commission may now intend to exclude some grounds from the scope of protection. This would be a profound mistake and would mean giving up easily on our values. I hope that the Commission will keep its promises and support our position: for a Europe free of discrimination."

Commenting on the debate, UK Green MEP Jean Lambert said:

“The European Commission must get tough with Member States to protect all the citizens of Europe. If some governments oppose new anti-discrimination legislation they should explain to us all why they condone discrimination against particular groups in their society.

This legislation offers the hope of equality of opportunity for many currently disadvantaged groups across Europe. If we do not succeed in developing a comprehensive directive we will have missed a great chance and will have failed all those who face oppression and numerous forms of unfair treatment.

“Many people do not suffer from discrimination on one ground alone, so to create legislation covering only one area is misguided. It will also continue the hierarchy of discrimination where some grounds are better protected than others. Along with my colleagues who fought for this directive in the first place, I will continue to demand that a directive covering all types of discrimination is developed as soon as possible.”

Dutch Green MEP Kathalijne Buitenweg, European Parliament draftswoman on the race directive, added:

"I hope the Commission will remember that the majority of the European Parliament wants a broad directive on anti-discrimination. Barroso should keep his promise and propose such a directive. He must show some courage and finally end the hierarchy in European anti-discrimination legislation. Europe should be the world champion of non-discrimination."

GroenDe enige partij die sociaal én milieuvriendelijk is.


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